Do you ever forget to add the JIRA number to your commit message? The following steps will do it automatically if your branch name includes the ticket, e.g. JIRA-1234
- Create a folder called ‘githooks’ somewhere in your repository. For example, in the root
- In this folder, create a file called prepare-commit-msg (no extension)
- In this file, copy the bash script below
- Once you’ve saved the file, update your Makefile or similar to copy the githooks/prepare-commit-msg file into <project root>/.git/hooks/
- Alternatively, if your app is not using husky or other libraries that depend on hooks, you can enable it per repo by navigating to the repo and typing `git config core.hooksPath ThePathToYourFolder`
- Verify with `git config core.hooksPath`
Bash script
#!/bin/bash# Get the current branch name
BRANCH_NAME=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)# Get the JIRA number
JIRA=$(echo $BRANCH_NAME | grep -o -E '[0-9A-Z]+-[0-9]+')#Check if this a normal commit, or an amend
IS_NORMAL_COMMIT=$(grep -c "$JIRA" $1)# Prepend the JIRA number to the commit message
if [ -n "$JIRA" ] && [ "$IS_NORMAL_COMMIT" -eq 0 ]; then
sed -i.bak -e "1s/^/$JIRA /" $1
- Commit changes as normal. For example: `git commit -m “Add this new feature”`
- This works for branches in the format “JIRA-1234-My-Branch” or “someText/JIRA-1234-My-Branch”.
- If you commit to a branch that does not match this format (for example, “master”), the script will do nothing.
Known issues
- If you are using WSL and Bash on Windows, you might receive the error: “$’ :\r’: command not found”. This is due to windows line endings. Here is a solution